Our last leg of the trip saw us travel to Savannah. We stayed at Skidaway Island State Park. There was a fierce rain storm when we arrived in Savannah in the late afternoon. We waited it out by having lunch and then headed to the park to set up camp. We set up our dining tent and then the heavens opened up again. Rather than set up tents in the downpour we decided to bend to the elements. We left our dining tent to mark our presence at the site and headed back in to Savannah to take refuge in a hotel and have a decent dinner at a local restaurant!
We were up early the next morning to head back to Skidaway and set up our full camp — no rain in the morning but it was still overcast and cold (40F). We spend a very pleasant time at Skidaway but we had a fire going all the time! The rest of the camp was filled with folks in trailers — and they were *in* the trailers (watching television). We only talked with one other camper, who, aside from us was the *only* site crazy enough be be camping with a tent in the cold weather! (There was a long finger of winter pointed down the Appalachian Range and into Georgia at the time — not very seasonable!)
While in the Savannah area, we took a walking tour of the historic district, and visited Fort Pulaski. The historic district has a unique structure. The Georgia colony was led by a very forward thinking man. They had very ‘modern’ ideas of how to build a city and also some ‘ahead of their time’ morals — e.g. no slavery.