That night, back at the Bryce Zion Campground (Glendale UT), we were in for a very cool night. When we planned the trip the weather forecast for the high desert was a low of 40F, but the actuals were more like 32F or below. We came prepared for cold, but this was close to our limit without a little extra insulation. We had a good fire and settled in for the cold night — we made it through just fine, but the forecast for the next night and the night after that in the Grand Canyon were looking definitely colder (a good 10 degrees below freezing). We determined that we would hit the Cedar Breaks, then head down to St. George UT to pick up an extra blanket or two. We also decided to switch over to an ice cooler (with little need for ice during the night ;-).

The weather at the ‘Breaks was quite cold (freezing) and very windy. But the sun was out, so with the proper layers for warmth we had a very nice drive and tour.


Bryce Canyon National Park 2017
Zion National Park 2017